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via 创意悠悠花园 by emilo on 8/21/11
对称是一种基本的构图方式。在风光自然摄影中,将具有相同形状的景致从左右或上下秩序排布,可以构成对称画面效果。 对称不是简单的重复,而是有选择性的排布。利用相似元素的相同点营造画面形式感,而利用它们的不同点来凸显各自的鲜明个性。这是风光摄影中对称构图手法的基本原则。表现相似性,突出差异性,才能在对称的布局中表现画面的独特美感。
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blue columns by Udo S.
fairy-tale garden by Tobias Guter
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Exit by Vulture Labs
Shoemaker!Handcraft ! by DR.Hossein .Mirzaie©
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Geometry over the snow by Pierluigi Orler
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Embarcadero Bench by Stéphan Rocoplan
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Rotunda by Weiss Blau
Bent by Weiss Blau
Terracotta by Weiss Blau
Tempodrom by Ralf Wendrich
Pick one by Imad Haddad
Alley by Bryan Leung
stairs by brane zalar
Roads keepers by George Malets
Read the rest of 60张不错的对称摄影照片 (153 words)
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