
[tour]攀岩美少女Sasha DiGiulian日志:Petzl Roctrip 2011 格凸.中国


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译者 tethys2011

Monday, 7 November, 2011

译者注:Sasha DiGiulian :美国19岁攀岩美少女 在十月初刚在肯塔基州红河大峡谷(Red River Gorge.)完攀一条9a难度路线- Pure Imigination("纯美的想象"),这是她个人首条该难度路线,也是全球有记录的第3位完成9a路线的女性。10月下旬她来到中国贵州紫云格凸参加Petzl Roctrip活动。在格凸,她灿烂的笑容和流畅的攀爬给人留下了深刻的印象。。。


2011年11月7日 星期一

I just returned from the Getu Valley in China, where I was staying for 2 weeks for the Petzl RocTrip. This trip was one of the most unique journeys I've ever experienced. I had never traveled to Asia before, and therefore that element alone was new and exciting. China is different from the US in so many ways, from most significantly the language, to the food, to the overall way of life. On October 22 I flew from Denver to Guiyang with Emily Harrington, Joe Kinder, Collette McInnery, Dave Graham, Andrew Bisharat and Lynne Hill. We arrived in Guiyang October 24 (I stepped on the plane 18, and stepped off the plane having turned 19 .. :) )

我刚从中国的格凸河回来,Petzl上个月底在那里举办"攀岩之旅(Petzl Roctrip)",我去参加活动并在格凸爬了两周。这是我经历过的最棒的一次旅程。我之前从未去过亚洲,因此那里的一切都让我感到新奇。中国与美国有太多的不同之处,他们奇特的语言、食物以及人们的生活方式。上个月22日我和Emily Harrington、Joe Kinder、 Collette McInnery、 Dave Graham、Andrew Bisharat 以及Lynne Hill从Denver出发,24号才到达贵阳(我上飞机时还是18岁,下飞机时已经19岁了... :))

The trip was long but actually really fun because we were all super psyched to arrive to this unknown, unfamiliar place. Once in Guiyang we met up with a bunch of other Petzl travelers from different parts of the world and we all boarded a bus which shuttled us 4 hours outside of the already rural city of Guiyang to the real out-country of China: Getu Valley!


Huge limestone arches and rolling rice-paddy mountains surrounded our base in Getu Valley. Petzl rented out a hotel for the athletes to stay at and eat at during the trip and the rooms were more luxurious than we anticipated. Emily and I shared a room that was basic but nice.  The hotel lacked comforts like hot water though, so we had to get used to cold showers, but we adjusted to this! We also just got pretty dirty and stopped caring about frivolous luxuries like hot showers and clean clothes… Though now that I just took a nice hot shower here in Colorado, I realize how much I missed it!


Climbing in the Getu Valley was very different as well. The rock was limestone and the main place that we climbed at was called the "Great Arch." To approach this sector we first took a boat across a river, then we had to hike up 1,400 steps which was probably the coolest approach I've ever encountered on a climbing trip. From the Great Arch we could look out over the valley and see the surrounding mountains and stupendous cliffs rising from the river below.


During the RocTrip it was really inspiring to climb with so many motivated, well-established climbers from all over; China, USA, France, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Turkey, and more. There were also many spectators, organizers, photographers, and videographers.


Since there were so many people I found it difficult to focus on any climb in particular because there were generally a lot of people climbing the same routes, so instead I diversified my climbing to lots of different routes, including an amazing multi-pitch that I climbed with Andrew Bisharat. This was my favorite climbing experience of the trip because we were so exposed to the landscape surrounding us in its entirety and I just loved climbing higher and higher and looking out over the Chinese valley.

大拱里总是热闹非凡,许多人排着队等待爬同一条路线,这让我难以集中注意力在攀岩上。不过因此我可以尝试一些风格迥异的路线,包括一条我和Andrew Bisharat一起完成的非常棒的结组路线。那是我此行最喜欢的一次攀岩经历,因为在线路上暴露感十足,身处仙境般的迷人风光之中,我越爬越开心,因为爬的越来越高,我能俯瞰整个迷人的格凸河!

In addition to the climbing being different, the food was strikingly different as well. All of our meals were in general very good but every night was basically the exact same: Rice and an array of different dishes involving vegetables, mystery meats, tofu, eggs, and MSG.  By the time that we got to the airport in Beijing though, Emily and I bee-lined it for Pizza Hut, then got our satisfyingly American burgers in LA.


Overall, I had an amazing experience that was incredibly enjoyable due mainly to the people and the landscape that I was surrounded by. While I'm very happy to be back in the US where everything is familiar and where I don't feel like an alien when I speak English, I would really not change much about my trip. Going out of my comfort zone and into such an unfamiliar world made me respect and cherish the good fortune that we have here in America, but it also made me more aware of the different cultures coexisting in our modern world today.


Below is a picture of a village that we visited on one of our rest days. The people live in this cave that can only be approached by hiking through a series of stairs up the mountain.









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