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via 译言-自然科学与技术 by 3yan2yu on 12/4/10
来源Sand Dunes Photo - Australia Wallpaper – National Geographic Photo of the Day
December 4, 20102010年12月4日
澳大利亚的沙丘(Sand Dunes, Australia )
摄影:尼基·陈(Nicki Chen),Your Shot
Photograph by Nicki Chen, Your Shot
This Month in Photo of the Day: Travel and Adventure Photos
The east of Lancelin town is bordered by endless snow-white sand dunes, which are heaven for sand boarders. The peaks of these sand dunes give a spectacular panoramic lookout over the township, surrounding sand hills, farmlands, coastline, islands and ocean.
兰斯林镇(Lancelin town)东面接壤着无穷无尽的雪白沙丘,那里是沙里寄生者的天堂。在沙丘的顶峰上,可以瞭望乡镇、附近沙山、农田、海岸线、岛屿和海洋的壮观全景。
(This photograph was submitted to Your Shot.)
(这张照片已提交给 Your Shot)
【国家地理每日一图】兰达斯恩德(Land\'s End)的皮艇(2010年12月3日)
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