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via 光圈先決下的世界 by 光圈先決 on 12/27/10

自己平常街攝時, 經常也會遇到這樣的問題, 這裏可不可以拍 ? 那裏可不可以拍 ? 甚麼可以拍 ? 甚麼題材又不可以拍 ?

下面的網站, 建議了一些例子, 在那樣的情況是容許 / 不可以拍攝的, 大家看看, 對比平常自己遇到的情況, 是否有相同例子~

但大家記著, 這些只是根據過往例子而認定, 並不是法例所定, 最終還要看當地的法例如何界定.

網站內, 大致提及了下列情況 :

Can I take photos in a shopping mall?
Can I take photos in an airport?
Can a security guard force you to delete your photos?
Can private security detain you?
Can law enforcement officers detain you?
Can I photograph people?
Can I photograph children?
Can I sell photos of ordinary people?
Can I photograph celebrities?
Can I sell photos of celebrities?
Can I take photographs on the street?
Can I take photographs of accidents or crimes?
Can I take photographs of business?
Can I take photographs of buildings?
Can I take photographs at the museum?
Can I take photographs in a court?
Can I take photographs of a private house?
Can I take photographs at the stadium?
When do I own a photograph?

Photographers rights: When, where and what can I shoot?

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